#35 “Domination systems prevent economic and human development.”

#35 “Domination systems prevent economic and human development.”

The Economic Value of Caring.
51 Minuten


vor 3 Jahren
We know that current but old economic concepts have harmful gaps.
And we know that these gaps still causing a lot of damage. Isn't it
very strange that these harmful concepts still dominate our work,
our society? Our so-called "economic professionals" cling to them
and tell us that we will fix the damage these concepts have caused
by keep on using these concepts? Sounds crazy. It is cray. When
starting thinking about economics, we should finish thinking about
it. Old, incomplete concepts have brought us to where we currently
are. And yes: the damage is definitely significant, and we won’t
solve the big problems this way. Good News: “Investment in caring
for and educating people is the best investment a nation can make.
And: Economy is a human creation. We can change it”. If you are
ready to think about Caring Economics, if you want to listen to
what economy has to do with caring for children and caring for our
nature, you get food for thought in this episode. Right after you
can delve into Riane Eisler’s books. Since 2020 a German version
available. An episode with the great Dr. Riane Eisler, JD, PhD
(hon), President of the Center for Partnership Studies, cultural
historian and evolutionary theorist, social scientist, attorney,
author. Her research, writing and speaking have influenced fields
ranging from history, literature, philosophy, art, economics,
psychology, anthropology, human rights, education, religious
studies to economics, political science, women’s studies,
management studies and healthcare. “High-quality human capital is
not produced in the university!” An episode about some of her
research results on Caring Economics. An episode about women’s
quality of life as a powerful indicator of everyone’s quality of
life. An episode about the GPD and its not logical but pathological
view on value creation; about the economic contribution of unpaid
work; about the latest on the Social Wealth Index, the economic
value of caring and a few calls of action. “It is economic suicide
not to invest in human capacity development.” From Domination
System to Partnership System. From Alpha to Beta. From an
uneconomic approach to a healthy economy and society. Work the
system. **More about RIANE EISLER, about her work and books
www.sichtart.at/riana-eisler **Leseempfehlung in Deutsche: Die
verkannten Grundlagen der Ökonomie, Wege zu einer Caring Economy
www.sichtart.at/die-verkannten-grundlagen-der-oekonomie **Das
Poster-Geschenk “demokratie unternehmen” mit einem Zitat von Riane
Eisler www.sichtart.at/demokratie-unternehmen, Alle Podcastfolgen
auf einen Blick www.sichtart.at/guter-neuer-podcast **Mir schreiben
könnt ihr so mailto:elisabeth.sechser@sichtart.at **Mich anrufen so
+436766103913 **Wir hören uns! Elisabeth Sechser www.sichtart.at

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