Der Punkcast ist ein Live-Mitschnitt & die Weiterentwicklung von "Switch - Für immer Punk".
vor 2 Jahren
!"=§"="" 1203 2022 second set what a great dancing guestfolks
aaaauuuuwwww data data = music = frequency = connects and
substitutes dude = love * ok, well, there i brought a lot of more
vinyls..they were more PUNK and ROCK but then while playing, it was
like that, even i would like to play one, two 3 songs..just to
celebrate it there.. it was then the choice, celebrate with the
ghost of this evening **+***+++*+*+++++*+ i can trust my sense i´m
still practising- listen to my heart how bizarre, we are
celebrating and at the same time, in other countries are dying and
fighting and peoples living in fear, in hunger, in the cold, i work
on it, to spread my love.--also in such places i cannot be with my
body. ive made an own mixed ritual ...maybe one day i will tell
about- to live in a world in peace where everyone says this should
be, i believe that we must start with ourselfs. personality
developement. yea, no strolling sometimes, so but then- it is maybe
also possible doing it with the neighbour and if everyone would be
just a little more in peace inside...then... also, ive asked
myself, why mr. w. w. putin does not play chess with his "enemy" ?
and who wins, is the winner and game over. so, where has gone the
honor? a honor, where a handshake means a word? generosity? and no
dead and fear and fuck and shits and zombies asked myself why he
isnt at the front of this war, why not on the streets? "truth hits
everybody" - the police i recommend and follow and like
aaaauuuuwwww data data = music = frequency = connects and
substitutes dude = love * ok, well, there i brought a lot of more
vinyls..they were more PUNK and ROCK but then while playing, it was
like that, even i would like to play one, two 3 songs..just to
celebrate it there.. it was then the choice, celebrate with the
ghost of this evening **+***+++*+*+++++*+ i can trust my sense i´m
still practising- listen to my heart how bizarre, we are
celebrating and at the same time, in other countries are dying and
fighting and peoples living in fear, in hunger, in the cold, i work
on it, to spread my love.--also in such places i cannot be with my
body. ive made an own mixed ritual ...maybe one day i will tell
about- to live in a world in peace where everyone says this should
be, i believe that we must start with ourselfs. personality
developement. yea, no strolling sometimes, so but then- it is maybe
also possible doing it with the neighbour and if everyone would be
just a little more in peace inside...then... also, ive asked
myself, why mr. w. w. putin does not play chess with his "enemy" ?
and who wins, is the winner and game over. so, where has gone the
honor? a honor, where a handshake means a word? generosity? and no
dead and fear and fuck and shits and zombies asked myself why he
isnt at the front of this war, why not on the streets? "truth hits
everybody" - the police i recommend and follow and like
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