Yoga in Marriage - Yoga of Marriage (in Englisch)

Yoga in Marriage - Yoga of Marriage (in Englisch)

(in Englisch)
1 Stunde 16 Minuten


vor 2 Jahren

Yoga in Marriage - Live Talk by Vishvadeva with Vaijayanti devi
dasi and Gaurahari dasa on the topic: Yoga in Marriage.

Vaijayanti devi dasi was born in Italy, where she joined the
Villaggio Hare Krishna temple in Bergamo in 2001. For eight years
she dedicated herself to sharing spiritual knowledge through book
distribution. During these years, she simultaneously deepened her
knowledge in the Vaishnava spiritual tradition by attending the
Bhakti-sastri course, Bhakti-vaibhava course and Deity worship
course. In 2013, Vaijayanti devi dasi joined the Goloka Dhama
community in Germany, with HH Sacinandana Swami as her spiritual
mentor. After these years of training, she joined Grhastha Ashram
with HG Gaurahari Prabhu and received great support and
inspiration from him. For eight years she supported her husband
in his service as temple president.

Together they participated in various trainings including
communication, emphatic listening and Socratic questioning. In
2018, they both received personal training from HG Partha Prabhu
and HG Uttama Mataji in couples counseling.

Vaijayanti devi dasi has training in painting, pottery, and
papier-mâché and actively uses her artistic expression in various
hands-on ministries.

Gaurahari dasa was born in Switzerland, where he joined the New
Jaganatha Puri Temple in Zurich in 2002. Six months later he
became the personal assistant of HH Sacinandana Swami, a disciple
of Srila Prabhupada and international preacher. In 2012,
Gaurahari dasa became temple president in the Goloka Dhama
community, a service he performed for eight years. After ten
years of Bramacari (celibate monk) training, he married and
received great support from his wife. Both together were now able
to serve Radha Madana Mohan and the community members even more.
Both attended training in communication, emphatic listening,
Socratic questioning, etc. In 2018, both received personal
training from Partha and Uttama in couples counseling.

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