9B presents: How the Zukunftskolleg promotes independent research - Episode 2 | ZUKO

9B presents: How the Zukunftskolleg promotes independent research - Episode 2 | ZUKO

11 Minuten
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vor 2 Jahren

Today In this episode of the ZUKO Podcast we are happy to have
Dr. Eva Lievens to guest.

She is Postdoc on the department of Biology on the Limnological
Institute at he University of Konstanz and talks about the
Mentorship. She won the Zukunftskolleg Mentorship from 2019 with
her Mentor Kayla King from the University of Oxford UK.

Dr. Lievens current projects include the research of using an
algae-virus system to investigate the effects of parasite life
history traits on the epidemiology and evolution of coevolving
host-parasite systems.

- Learn more about the Zukunftskolleg at uni.kn/zukunftskolleg

- Independent Research Grant:

- Mentorship:

- Dr. Eva Lievens:

The ZUKO podcast is a special “9B podcast” series produced by KIM
Lecture Recording. New ZUKO episodes are released irregularly.
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