#190 Connect to the medicine of your own voice! - Interview with Uria Tsur about space holding, conscious leadership and the true magic of music

#190 Connect to the medicine of your own voice! - Interview with Uria Tsur about space holding, conscious leadership and the true magic of music

45 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr

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Heute zu Gast Uria Tsur

Join us for an enlightening conversation with Uria Tsur, a
renowned expert in the art of conscious leadership and the
transformative power of music. In this episode, we delve into the
therapeutic essence of our own voices, uncovering how they can be
a source of healing and empowerment. Uria shares his insights on
the significance of space holding in personal and professional
realms, guiding us through the principles of conscious
leadership. He also unravels the true magic of music,
demonstrating its profound impact on our lives. This interview
offers invaluable perspectives for anyone seeking to harness the
power of their voice, lead with intention, and embrace the
enchanting world of music. Get ready to embark on a journey that
will change the way you perceive sound, leadership, and the
rhythm of life.

Mehr zu Uria Tsur findest du hier:


Liebste Grüße und viel Spaß,

Lisa & Nawid

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