Guest Pod | #16 Film Studies Bling Bling | Collisisons - With Tatiana Brandrup and Katrin Springer

Guest Pod | #16 Film Studies Bling Bling | Collisisons - With Tatiana Brandrup and Katrin Springer

In this episode, you can experience Tatiana Brandrup and Katrin Springer as "Bling of the months". They report on their research project "Media collisions as drivers of innovation for new approaches of cultural heritage".
1 Stunde 32 Minuten
Let's talk about filmmaking - Der Indiefilmtalk-Podcast möchte unsere Branche ein wenig zusammenführen und mit verschiedenen Gästen, egal ob Regisseur, Schauspieler, Komponist, oder Produzent, über das Filmemachen reden.


vor 4 Jahren
In this episode, you can experience Tatiana Brandrup and Katrin
Springer as "Bling of the months". They report on their research
project "Media collisions as drivers of innovation for new
approaches of cultural heritage". The projects origins are linked
to the closure of the Sergei Eisenstein apartment in Moscow. The
European Film Academy had declared the apartment a World Heritage
Site. However, in the course of the political dismantling of the
Moscow Film Museum, to which the Eisenstein cabinet officially
belonged, it was closed down in 2018. In the "Collisisons" project,
the apartment will be reconstructed using virtual reality,
information visualisation and 3D sound. The aim is to create an
emotional and at the same time scientific experience that
reconstructs the intellectual world of thought of the polymath
Eisenstein and makes it explorable for the user. (Talk in German,
followed by an English summary 00:02:08-00:40:51) In the
News Chapter Bianca Jasmina Rauch and Barbara Wolfram present their
new feminist film podcast, "Ned Wuascht - Wir geh'n Fisch'n". (In
German 00:40:51-01:10:19) "Film Studies
bling-bling" is about hidden and well-known treasures, big and
small diamonds from Film Studies. In each episode, we have a "Bling
of the month"; scholars from Film Studies who are interviewed about
their research. In the news section, you hear from current research
projects or book publications, or whatever struck my way strolling
around in the Film Studie's universe. To keep this podcast visible
for you we decided to add it to the Indiefilmtalk Catalogue in
consultation with the podcast-creators. More informations on: ---------- Project Website "Die filmische
Straßenlandschaft in Potsdam" - Social Media
- @indiefilmtalk Webseite -

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