![Folge 13 - Amanda Cohen (Dirt Candy New York) (english episode)](https://cdn.podcastcms.de/images/shows/315/682622/s/624231461/folge-13-amanda-cohen-dirt-candy-new-york-english-episode.png)
Folge 13 - Amanda Cohen (Dirt Candy New York) (english episode)
Küchengeschichten jenseits eingestaubter Rollenklischees
45 Minuten
vor 7 Jahren
!English podcast episode!! Amanda Cohen is the chef owner of New
York City’s renowned restaurant "Dirt Candy". 2018 it’s her
business's 10 year anniversary. Amanda calls her cuisine "vegetable
centered“, which was still a very unusual progressive concept 10
years ago. This kickass chef talks about how she keeps her business
running in a crazy city like NYC, why she released a cookbook that
is a graphic novel and why she had to send away Leonardo DiCaprio.
Amanda and Sophia talk about the current situation of women in the
industry and Amanda reveals the story of how her divine Portobello
mushroom mousse literally saved her restaurant. Sophia had the
pleasure to enjoy crazy-good dishes like broccoli hot dog, brussels
sprout tacos and carrot sliders on a cozy date night and learned
more about the joy of deep-frying. Get hungry, listen and learn!
Amanda's restaurant in NY - Dirt Candy:
http://www.dirtcandynyc.com/ Video Munchies/ How To Deep-Fry
Vegetables: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xi2FV-lxWtA Amanda's
Amanda on sexism in the industry:
York City’s renowned restaurant "Dirt Candy". 2018 it’s her
business's 10 year anniversary. Amanda calls her cuisine "vegetable
centered“, which was still a very unusual progressive concept 10
years ago. This kickass chef talks about how she keeps her business
running in a crazy city like NYC, why she released a cookbook that
is a graphic novel and why she had to send away Leonardo DiCaprio.
Amanda and Sophia talk about the current situation of women in the
industry and Amanda reveals the story of how her divine Portobello
mushroom mousse literally saved her restaurant. Sophia had the
pleasure to enjoy crazy-good dishes like broccoli hot dog, brussels
sprout tacos and carrot sliders on a cozy date night and learned
more about the joy of deep-frying. Get hungry, listen and learn!
Amanda's restaurant in NY - Dirt Candy:
http://www.dirtcandynyc.com/ Video Munchies/ How To Deep-Fry
Vegetables: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xi2FV-lxWtA Amanda's
Amanda on sexism in the industry:
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