Dress to Impress - Fashion in Germany

Dress to Impress - Fashion in Germany

2 Minuten


vor 4 Jahren
Today let's talk about the different pieces of clothing the Germans
wear and what they are called. Here's an overview. Let's start with
the tops. Shirt - das Hemd, T-shirt - das T-shirt, Pullover/Sweater
- der Pullover, Women's top - die Bluse, Women's dress - das Kleid,
Men's jacket - das Jakett, Sweatshirt - das Sweatshirt, Coat - der
Mantel, Tie - die Krawatte, Nightwear - der Schlafanzug,
Vest/Undershirt - das Unterhemd, Belt - der Gürtel Moving on to the
bottoms… Skirt - der Rock, Pants/Trousers - die Hose, Stockings -
die Strümpfe, Jeans - die Jeans, Underpants - die Unterhose, Shoes
- die Schuhe Dressing appropriately is super important in Germany,
be it for business or a date. #learngerman #languagelearning

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