Doctor, Help! - The Human Body in German

Doctor, Help! - The Human Body in German

88 Sekunden


vor 4 Jahren
Hallo! Imagine you've been just a few hours in Germany and your
throat starts paining. How do you explain the situation to a
doctor? In this episode, I'll teach you the names of different body
parts in German. Here is a brief overview: Eye - das Auge, Ear -
das Ohr, Nose - die Nase, Tooth - der Zahn, Mouth - der Mund, Chest
- die Brust, Arm - der Arm, Stomach - der Bauch, Hand - die Hand,
Leg - das Bein, Knee - das Knie, Foot - der Fuß, Hair - das Haar,
Shoulder - die Schulter, Back - der Rücken, Finger - der Finger,
Toe - die Zehe #learngerman #languagelearning

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