How Time Flies - Days, Months & Seasons in German

How Time Flies - Days, Months & Seasons in German

2 Minuten


vor 4 Jahren
Welcome to Episode 5 of Learning German in India. In this episode,
I'll be teaching you the different days of the week, months of the
year and seasons as they are named in German. Here is a brief
overview of the things I've covered: [Days of the Week] Sunday -
Sonntag, Monday - Montag, Tuesday - Dienstag, Wednesday - Mittwoch,
Thursday - Donnerstag, Friday - Freitag, Saturday - Samstag
[Months] January - Januar, February - Februar, March - März, April
- April, May - Mai, June - Juni, July - Juli, August - August,
September - September, October - Oktober, November - November,
December - Dezember [Seasons] Summer - der Sommer, Spring - der
Frühling, Autumn - der Herbst, Winter - der Winter #learngerman

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