Jaimal Yogis: the Saltwater Buddha

Jaimal Yogis: the Saltwater Buddha

58 Minuten


vor 4 Jahren
Jaimal Yogis is the author of the renowned book "Saltwater Buddha",
as well as "All our waves are water" and "The Fear project". The
father of three kids is living a life full of surfing, writing and
meditation / yoga practice. We had an Instagram Live Chat going on
about subjects like: 

During the Corona-Quarantine we talked about subjects like: – how
he sees the pandemic scenario in terms of transformation and fear
– what it felt like growing up in a spiritual family – what
people holds into their comfort zone rather following their
dreams – his favorite meditation practice – writing advice when
being stucked in front of the white paper – advice for multi
talented people – and a lot of more interesting subjects...


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