Episode 10 - body scan for a deep relaxation
16 Minuten
vor 3 Jahren
In the last episode of our podcast we learned about how important
breaks are for our physical and mental health. Let us use today's
"mindful little health break" for another relaxation technique
and to get back into feeling - with a body scan for a deep
relaxation. In the so-called body scan, which has its roots in
the millennia-old buddhistic Vipassana tradition, we gradually
palpate our body inwardly - not with our hands, but only with the
help of our mindfulness. In doing so, we try to perceive
everything that appears in our consciousness in a value-free and
friendly manner and to bring digressive thoughts back to our body
again. In this way we can calm our mind, build up a more
conscious body-mind relationship and – by a regular practice -
also become more relaxed and mindful in our everyday life. Are
you ready for an exercise practice?
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