Exploring the Full Potential of Open Badges

Exploring the Full Potential of Open Badges

From Verified Credentials to Open Recognition
1 Stunde 5 Minuten
Erfahrungsaustausch zum Lernen im Unternehmenskontext


vor 1 Jahr
Badges don't just replace certificates. It's an entirely different
ballgame One of the primary uses of badges is as a digital
alternative to paper-based certificates for training or other
professional development activities. However, the open badges
standard allows for much more than just this traditional use case.
In this episode, Doug Belshaw shares his insights and expertise on
the many applications of open badges. Starting with verified
credentials that can, in addition to the certifying training
participation serve as a replacement for official documents such as
driver's licenses. A completely different use of badges is for open
recognition. Open recognition is used for publicly acknowledging
and celebrating specific behaviors and achievements. Discover
numerous examples of how badges can be used and get some tips on
how to get started using them yourself.

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