Episode 54: [ENG] The War on Anti-Semitism with Anna-Esther Younes

Episode 54: [ENG] The War on Anti-Semitism with Anna-Esther Younes

The recent cancellation of Palestinian journalist Nemi El-Hassan shows how Fighting Anti-Semitism in Germany is tightly interwoven with silencing Palestinians and Jews that are in solidarity with oppressed Palestinians. Anna-Esther Younes examines this di
1 Stunde 32 Minuten
Podcast mit Kommentaren zu aktuellen Geschehnissen, sowie Analysen und Interviews zu den wichtigsten politischen Aufgaben unserer Zeit.#leftisbest


vor 3 Jahren
Educational Material on the subject and sources mentioned See
https://mobile.twitter.com/saritm0/status/1438475005466120192 for a
recent example on the crackdown on academics. The pro-Israel cancel
culture playbook
Correction: „Ideological Erasure“ was not coined by Dirk Moses when
it comes to the Palestinian experience, but by Ted Swedenburg
(1995). Fighting anti-Semitism in Contemporary Germany.
Islamophobia Studies Journal 5, no. 2, pp. 249-66.
Antisemitism, anti-Racism, and the Holocaust in Germany: A
Discussion between Susan Neiman and Anna-Esther Younes. In: Journal
of Genocide Research, April 2021.
Good jews/bad jews: thingified semites? In: Symposium: Alana
Lentin's Why Race Still Matters. Ethnic and Racial Studies.
Oli London on Becoming/ Being Korean and Trans rights:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fccOsafAXgE Anti-Semitism and RIAS
(therein the numerical estimate of 140 million political Zionists
in the USA finds mentioning)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WElF-78_GcU Initiative 3.5 GG
Forensic Architecture Tracks Surveillance of Activists and
Leandros Fischer, „The German Left’s Palestine Problem“.
Palestine, Antisemitism, and Germany's "Peaceful Crusade" By Emily
Dische-Becker, Sami Khatib, Jumana Manna. Protocols:
Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden in Nahost - European Jews for
a Just Peace in the Middle East, Germany
https://www.juedische-stimme.de BILD ZEITUNG – So basteln Sie sich
Ihre Kippa selbst /That’s how you make your own Kippa:
Taylor, H. and Moses, D., 2021. The Herero and Nama Genocide, the
Holocaust, and the Question of German Reparations. [online]
E-International Relations. Available at:
[Accessed 7 September 2021]. Beck, M., 2019. The German Way of
Securitizing the BDS Movement. [online] E-International Relations.
Available at:
[Accessed 7 September 2021]. Blaas, N., 2021. The Racialization of
Anti-Semitism in Post-Holocaust Germany. [online] The Left Berlin.
Available at:
[Accessed 7 September 2021]. Wir sind 99 ZU EINS! Ein Podcast mit
Kommentaren zu aktuellen Geschehnissen, sowie Analysen und
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