TSEP#118 Green Hydrogen: electrolyzer solutions for sustainable energy systems
With Dr. Fabio Oldenburg, Apricum
23 Minuten
Für und mit den Machern der neuen Energiewelt (For and With Creators of the New Energy World)
vor 2 Jahren
Driven by decarbonisation demand for low carbon hydrogen is set
to rise, but understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each
electrolyzer strategy will be key to making smart investment
decisions. The global annual demand for low-carbon hydrogen ist
projected to grow from less than 1 Mt in 2021 to 20 to 30
Mt by the end of the decade. A key prerequisite to passing this
milestone, however, is the selection of the most suitable
electrolyzer technology, which is predominantly based on economic
drivers, namely levelized cost of hydrogen. What does it take to
successfully implement hydrogen projects? What challenges and
developments can currently be observed in the electrolyzer
sector? Dr. Fabio Oldenburg, Senior Consultant at Apricum,
reveals this and more.
02.11: How does the electrolyzer project landscape look like
07.43: What makes an electrolyzer project commercially
10.45: What are important challenges for developing PV +
electrolyzer projects?
13.16: What are the implications for the selection of the
electrolyzer supplier and technology?
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