TSEP#113 European Distribution Systems – Ready for Smart Grids?
With Carmen Gimeno, Secretary General, GEODE
20 Minuten
Für und mit den Machern der neuen Energiewelt (For and With Creators of the New Energy World)
vor 2 Jahren
Already today, the power grids in Europe are overloaded, at least
at times. The challenge of keeping the grids stable is growing
with the increasing expansion of renewable energies,
electromobility, and power-to-heat. The technological solutions
are available, but so far they are often used too hesitantly -
this became clear at the EM-Power Conference 2022 in May. What is
the reason for this? How can we accelerate the transformation of
the grids into smart grids? What role does the European market
play in this? We asked Carmen Gimeno of GEODE, the European
Association of Independent Electricity and Gas Distributors.
01.38: About the current challenges of the energy industry
during the global crisis
05.39: How are the distribution networks in Europe structured
and organized?
10.36: Heat pumps, electric cars and decentralized PV
systems: They all need to be integrated into the distribution
grids. Are the grids up to this task?
17.04: What is holding back the implementation of smart
grids? Is it a lack of regulations (at European or national
level?), outdated structures or a lack of investment?
Questions or suggestions? Then send us an email to
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