TSEP#108 What is "smart charging" and how can electric car drivers benefit from it?
With Baerte de Brey, ElaadNL / AVERE
23 Minuten
Für und mit den Machern der neuen Energiewelt (For and With Creators of the New Energy World)
vor 2 Jahren
Smart charging is the intelligent way of thinking about
electromobility. Electric cars are always charged when it makes
economic sense. This includes charging electric cars at times
when electricity is cheap as well as load management, i.e. the
efficient charging of several electric cars at one location
within an available connected load. Vehicle-to-grid makes
charging really smart. Here, the electric car battery acts as a
temporary storage device and helps stabilize the power grid.
You benefit from lower costs when purchasing your electric car or
the price of electricity. But what do you need to consider? What
are the biggest differences? And what about cyber security? We
talk about this with Baerte de Brey, Chief International Officer
at ElaadNL and Vice President at AVERE - The European Association
for Electromobility.
2.31: We often hear about "smart charging“. What exactly is
meant by this?
9.32: How many charging points per vehicles do wee need
privately and publicly?
11.55: About cyber security in the world of emobility
18.12: Heating in winter then in combination with growing
e-mobility? Do we need to worry?
Questions or suggestions? Then send us an email to
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