TSEP#98 Facts and Fairytales of Floating Solar Solutions
With Arnoud van Druten, Floating Energy
25 Minuten
Für und mit den Machern der neuen Energiewelt (For and With Creators of the New Energy World)
vor 2 Jahren
The solar industry is booming again - and solutions previously
considered niche technologies such as Floating PV (FPV), solar
plants floating on bodies of water, are suddenly receiving a lot
of attention as generation capacity needs to be diversified to
meet solar expansion targets in many countries. Several
innovation and research projects have been launched in Europe to
drive the currently slow market development in floating solar.
Floating solar is emerging as a technology of the future, yet it
is not yet foreseeable to what extent solar power can be produced
cheaply from floating solar arrays in the future. Arnoud van
Druten, Director at Floating Energy Solutions, gives an overview
of the status quo of Floating PV and dispels some myths about it.
2.31: What are the biggest reasons to go and exploit Floating
7.02: What kind of water bodies are ideal?
12.24: What do we need to do in order to still make FPV
financially viable?
15.12: What regulatory hurdles must be removed?
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