L.I.S.A. - Voices of Global Berlin: Big City Life

L.I.S.A. - Voices of Global Berlin: Big City Life

Salon Sophie Charlotte 2022
1 Stunde 4 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr
AGYA Principal Investigator Verena Lepper, Egyptology, Berlin,
introduces the AGYA projects called “Global Berlin in the 21st
Century” tackling Arab-German perspectives on transformations in
Berlin, urban mobility, concepts of health and happiness, and
innovative exhibition formats. She discusses life in international
megacities with AGYA Co-President Mahmoud Abdel-Hafiez, Physics,
Frankfurt a. M., AGYA alumna Hanan Badr, Communication
Studies, Salzburg/Cairo, and AGYA member Philipp Blechinger, Energy
Engineering, Berlin. After the panel discussion, sound artist Amin
Fallaha, Berlin, imagines urban soundscapes in a DJ set and
presents acoustic visions of future city life. Join us and listen
to the beats! Den Originalbeitrag und mehr finden Sie bitte hier:

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