L.I.S.A. - Sustainable Development Goals: Good Health for All

L.I.S.A. - Sustainable Development Goals: Good Health for All

Welcoming Address by Martin Grötschel and Introduction by Detlev Ganten
32 Minuten


vor 4 Jahren
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Agenda 2030 of the
United Nations (UN) provide the framework for an international
program to “save our planet and our future”. Next to the UN and the
World Health Organization, leading nations, NGOs, private
foundations and other key organizations play an increasingly
supportive role in achieving the 17 SDGs. Witnessing this common
effort is extremely encouraging, as global problems can only be
solved by transdisciplinary, cross-sectoral, and science-based
concerted actions. Hence, science has to take responsibility!
Research and innovative technologies already shape our future, and
this process is gathering speed. We have to make sure that today’s
amazing achievements are being used for the collective good. This
symposium sheds light on the progress realized so far concerning
the implementation of the SDGs in politics. Furthermore, it will
raise awareness about the importance of the intertwined
biology-environment-lifestyle-complex for our health – especially
regarding disease prevention and health preservation. Prof. Dr.
Martin Grötschel, President of BBAW, gives a welcoming speech,
followed by an introduction into the symposiums topic by Detlev
Ganten, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin and member of BBAW.
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