Distribution of Degenerative Changes of the Human Patella in Relation to the Individual Subchondral Mineralisation
vor 30 Jahren
According to Pauwels and Kummer the distribution of the subchondral
mineralisation can be taken as a measure of the long-term
mechanical loading in the joints. Based on a previous study
concerning the density distribution of the subchondral bone of the
human patella, these results were compared in the following paper
with the macroscopically visible cartilage lesions. Degenerative
changes on the lateral facet of the patella coincide with regions
of high bone mineralisation, those on the “odd facet” on the other
hand with areas of low subchondral density. The cartilage lesions
on the lateral facet are seen as being due to high and constant
mechanical stress, those on the “odd facet” to short infrequent
mineralisation can be taken as a measure of the long-term
mechanical loading in the joints. Based on a previous study
concerning the density distribution of the subchondral bone of the
human patella, these results were compared in the following paper
with the macroscopically visible cartilage lesions. Degenerative
changes on the lateral facet of the patella coincide with regions
of high bone mineralisation, those on the “odd facet” on the other
hand with areas of low subchondral density. The cartilage lesions
on the lateral facet are seen as being due to high and constant
mechanical stress, those on the “odd facet” to short infrequent
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