Peerduck quacks about red flags and how he invests - P2P Deep Dive 5

Peerduck quacks about red flags and how he invests - P2P Deep Dive 5

Mr. Peerduck the one who started the ball rolling with the early P2P scams talks about warning signs, red flags and how he sees the Baltic p2p credit market.
55 Minuten
Gesprächsrunden rund um das Thema Geldanlage insbesondere in P2P Kredite & alternative Investments aber auch weit darüber hinaus.


vor 3 Jahren
Normally in German, but this time we have a special guest from the
Baltic States with us and we had to do this in English. Mr.
Peerduck is well known as the one who started the ball rolling with
the early P2P scams talks about warning signs and red flags and how
he sees the p2p credit market. But he will also tell us how he
invests his money and what he considers a good investment in the
Baltic States. If everything is true - who knows...

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