#047 - User Centricity in Chinese Tech

#047 - User Centricity in Chinese Tech

What can we learn from it?
57 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr
Heute haben wir eine englischsprachige China Impulse Podcast-Folge.
- What are the characteristics of user centricity in the Chinese
digital world? - How are “prosumers” stimulating business
generation? - What is the role of civil society in the economic and
technological development in China? - How does the connection
between philosophy and the Chinese tech development look like? -
What can European countries and businesses learn from the user
focus that can be observed in Chinese tech? - Other topics: Digital
China minor at Utrecht University, business models, social and
cultural angle of Chinese tech, Internet companies, customer
service, digital media, 自媒体 (we-media), decentralization, creator
economy, user-generated content These are the digital China topics
that I’m covering today with Bei Wang. Enjoy the talk! The
resources for this episode can be found at:

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