S2F3 - AI attention and emotion measurement with Emozo from Canada

S2F3 - AI attention and emotion measurement with Emozo from Canada

feat. Indranil Mukherjee
28 Minuten
Podcast rund um das Thema Kundenorientierung, Customer Experience und Marktforschung


vor 2 Jahren

We have our first international guest Indranil Mukherjee on the
podcast today! The president of the startup Emozo tells us how
they manage to help clients find out how their customers think
about their products, services, communication and design. In
doing so, they use AI to measure the attention and emotions of
their test subjects. 

So a very exciting podcast episode is waiting for you and we are
looking forward to more international guests. 

Enjoy listening and best regards

Indranil, Sebastian and Lukas

Indranil: https://www.linkedin.com/in/indranil-mukherjee-a4347a1/

Emozo: https://www.emozo.ai/

CXEinfachMachen: www.cxeinfachmachen.de

Sebastian: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sebastian-syperek-57b6aa19/

Lukas: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lukas-kauderer-a18473112/

CX fit Academy: https://www.cx-fit.com

CXEinfachMachen - ein Podcast von Lukas Kauderer (CEO liCili) und
Sebastian Syperek (Principal UX Research - Kaiser X Labs. A
company of Allianz) rund um den Bereich der Customer Experience,
Marktforschung und dem Produktmanagement. In 30 - 45 Minütigen
Podcast-Folgen sprechen die beiden über grundlegenden Themen rund
um das Thema Kundenorientierung, zeigen Tools und Methoden des
Customer Experience auf und erzählen über Ihre eigenen

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