Special: "What If School Creates DYSlexia?" by Je'anna L Clements - Audiobook Sample

Special: "What If School Creates DYSlexia?" by Je'anna L Clements - Audiobook Sample

1 Stunde 32 Minuten


vor 3 Jahren

This is a special Episode with a sample of the book "What If
School Creates DXSlexia?" read by the author Je'anna L Clements.
About the book: A must-read for parents and

Some dyslexics never develop a reading problem, while
others will struggle all their lives. What if School is what
makes all the difference – but not in the way people think? Why
do even our best attempts at remedial help too often backfire,
causing anxiety, depression and damage to self-esteem?

This book will leave you reeling with new possibilities,
and concrete directions to explore. If you liked what
you heard you can get the full book as a paperback on Amazon


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