#14: The Fall of Rome - with Prof Caroline Goodson

#14: The Fall of Rome - with Prof Caroline Goodson

44 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr
When in the year 476 the last emperor of the Western Rome was
deposed, it marked the end of a realm that had once spanned from
Portugal to Saudi-Arabia and from Scotland to Egypt. For much of
Europe, it marked the end of a great civilisation and a plunge into
the dark ages - or did it? What was it really like to be alive in
the late 5th century? Would people would have felt like the end of
the world was coming to an end or was it business as usual?
Professorof Early Medieval History and Fellow of King’s College at
the University of Cambridge Caroline Goodson takes us sight-seeing
in a late-antique cityscape … Feedback or suggestions? Write me an
message schnackvongestern@gmail.com Follow Schnack von gestern on
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/schnack.podcast/ Host &
Production: Fabian Alexander Eiden Guest: Prof. Caroline Goodson
Music & Mastering: Daniel Müller
(https://www.instagram.com/songsbydanielpage/) Graphic Design:
Christian Dietz (https://www.instagram.com/chrstndtz/) Template for
the thumbnail: AgTigress (Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported

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