#134: Measure ketosis correctly with AceTrack developer Anders Murman
51 Minuten
vor 1 Jahr
Ketosis is an alternative to glucose metabolism in which your
body converts fats into ketone bodies and uses them as a primary
energy source. Ketosis has therapeutic uses such as in epilepsy,
but on the other hand, the ability to be in ketosis is also a
marker of a healthy body.
How can ketosis be measured? Acetone is a gas produced during the
metabolism of fat and ketones and is exhaled through the lungs.
Thus, the detection of acetone in the breath is direct evidence
that fats or ketones are currently being banished. However, there
are a few things to keep in mind when taking measurements to
avoid drawing false conclusions.
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In this episode, I talk to Anders Murman, the developer of the
Acetrack portable acetone measurement device.
Fasten | Der schnellste Weg zu metabolischer Flexibilität und
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Video Version: https://youtu.be/xtWnlhi5fm4
Ketose-Messung über die Atemluft mit ACETRACK
Ich messe Ketose über die Atemluft mit dem Acetrack. Mit Acetrack
ist Ketose-Tracking so einfach wie atmen. Acetrack ist ein
portables Messgerät, das Aceton im Atem messen kann. In der
Ketose entsteht beim Stoffwechsel Aceton, welches abgeatmet wird.
Daher ist die Messung des Acetongehalts beim Ausatmen eine genaue
und non-invasive Methode, Ketose-Werte zu messen. Mit dem
Code timflowgrow sparst du 20 %.
Sponsor dieser Episode:
A low-carb lifestyle comes with many benefits, but also
challenges. NoordCode provides the highest quality foods for a
ketogenic lifestyle, such as C8 oil, MCT oil powder, ghee,
mold-tested coffee, pure collagen, and incredibly delicious
chocolate and ketogenic candy bars. I use the C8 oil in coffee,
along with some collagen. The ghee is my first choice for frying.
And every now and then I enjoy the sugar free chocolate and
ketogenic bars. Check out NoordCode
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