Tim Gray on health optimization, biohacking, amino acids, muscle growth, hydration, grounding, staying fit while traveling and the minimal effective dose of exercise

Tim Gray on health optimization, biohacking, amino acids, muscle growth, hydration, grounding, staying fit while traveling and the minimal effective dose of exercise

1 Stunde 15 Minuten


vor 2 Jahren

In this episode, we talk about Tims best tools &
tactics to build muscle, his training program, hydration,
grounding, and supplements. Tim gives us insight on how he
developed his own supplement brand with Dr. Dominik
Nischwitz. We'll also dive deep into amino acids for more
energy during training, creatine, MTHFR polymorphisms,
phospholipids, and much more.

Tim Gray is UK’s Leading Biohacker, the Founder
of the Health Optimisation Summit and of Health Optimisation
Supplements. As a psychology specialist, serial entrepreneur and
successful businessman, Tim founded and invested in multiple
7-figure businesses, including several digital marketing
agencies, and London’s first private Hyperbaric Oxygen Clinic.
After years spent self-healing his body from chronic
health conditions through biohacking alone, Tim
embarked on a mission to educate and empower the masses about
topics like Sleep, Dental & Oral Health, Gut &
Digestion, Hydration & Mineral balancing, Nootropics and

Health Optimization Summit 28 – 29. May 2022

Ben Greenfield

Vishen Lakhiani

Amy Killen

And much more!


What’s your passion?

I love to be better. I love “what the fuck moments”.


Tim builds muscle right now. He shares what he is doing…

Eat 3 g per kg lean mass of Protein

Eat Nutrient dense foods

Supplement with Amino Acids

BCAA + EAA + Glutamine + Creatine + Taurine

20 g of Amino acids twice a day

The minimal effective dose of exercise


Support your liver by HCL and Oxbile

I use HCL and bitter drops before a meal (thinkflowgrow10 )


Hydration: Minerals are important


Celtic Sea Salt

The Salt Fix Book


Everyday, Tim does in the morning…

Sun Salutation



15 min Stretches in the morning

Here is

Kostenfreier Unlock Your Body Workshop am 28. und 29. September
*jetzt Platz sichern*

Mentoring 3.0 ab Oktober 2024 *jetzt informieren*

Neuer Online Kurs: Die integrale Körperkarte -
Ganzheitliche Zusammenhänge verstehen

Sponsoreneverydays | Wohlfühlsupplements |
thinkflowgrow10smaints | hochpotente
Vitapilze TIM10AVEA | optimale Zellfunktion |
Lichtblock | Innovative Lichtlösungen |
thinkflowgrow10Lykaia | Ziegenprotein |

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