#19 *in english* "The doctor inside of us!" | Talk with Dr.Guillermo Recatero

#19 *in english* "The doctor inside of us!" | Talk with Dr.Guillermo Recatero

49 Minuten
Über Erfolgsgeheimnisse, Selbstmanagement und die unausweichliche Aufgabe des 'Sich Selbst' Führens


vor 1 Jahr

This episode you guys should not miss! 


Dr.Guillermo Recatero - Doctor & International Holistic
Speaker- is speaking with me about, what the conventional
medicine of today is missing and how we should incorporate our
emotions and our own power in the healing process of any


“It’s easy to give pills! 

We need to go deeper and not only fix consequences!”


In his integrative hollistic RE- HEALTH clinic, patients are not
patients, they are healers! 

“We have the power to heal ourselves. We have the pharmacy inside
of us. 

Our mind!”


We hear from him, how we can create consciousness.

Be the absorber of your reaction.

Connect with your inner Child. 

Follow your intuition.

Be your inner doctor.


Most of the time we get sick because we need attention, love and
approval. But then depending on others or the outer world could
be tricky…


“Don’t be the victim. Maybe its you, that needs to love yourself
a little more?” 


He shares very transparent his deepest wound of rejecting himself
in his youth and how his personal growth pathway brought his
divided family back together. 


Magic fireworks begins in your heart when you learn to stop, take
a conscious step out and listen to yourself.


Thank you for this heart touching talk! 


So much to learn!

So much to grow! 

Have fun! 



More about Dr. Guillermo Recatero 

Website : https://www.rehealthmarbella.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.recatero/

Mehr zu mir: 

Meine Website: https://francavillarroel.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/francavillarroelcoaching


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