#023 Souverän investieren wie ein Guru. Exklusiv Interview mit Dr. Charlie Tian (Sprache: Englisch)

#023 Souverän investieren wie ein Guru. Exklusiv Interview mit Dr. Charlie Tian (Sprache: Englisch)

42 Minuten


vor 3 Jahren
Investing used to be a rich person's game, but thanks to advances
in technology, nearly anyone can invest in the stock market today.
Nevertheless, knowing where to invest your money can still be
challenging. Jana Misar explores opportunities with Dr. Charlie
Tian, founder of gurufocus.com. Dr. Tian describes why the business
itself and the way it's run are the most important parts in
investing and how value investing was the first strategy that made
sense to him. He explains why looking at numbers is more important
to him than looking at management skills and gives valuable insight
for beginners. We learn what he is suggesting for his kids and why
thinking long-term will automatically eliminate lots of doubts
about investing in times of crisis. "We can't all become the next
Warren Buffett, but we can boost returns while reducing risk using
the right investment strategy. " Dr. Charlie Tian Dr. Charlie Tian
is the founder and CEO of the value-investing website GuruFocus.com
and the creator of the website's value screeners, strategies, and
research tools, which are used by more than half a million
investors monthly and by professors and students in more than 100
universities worldwide. Dr. Tian is the author of "Invest Like a
Guru: How to Generate Higher Returns At Reduced Risk With Value
Investing" and has been featured in Fortune, Forbes, and Barron's.
In his life before GuruFocus, he was a physicist and is holding 32
U.S. patents in optical communications. BUCH Jana Misar: Soul
Investor - Auf der Reise zum finanziellen Erwachen
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