SLW 18: A package manager for Windows with Keivan Beigi

SLW 18: A package manager for Windows with Keivan Beigi

Keivan Beigi is a Canadian software engineer who developed an Open Source package manager for Windows named AppGet that would later serve as a blueprint for Microsoft's AppInstaller/WinGet introduced in 2020.
1 Stunde 27 Minuten
Ein Interview Audiocast für IT PROs


vor 2 Jahren
When Microsoft announced a "Windows Package Manager" (better known
as Winget) in the context of the Build conference in 2020, hardly
anyone suspected that this overdue, long-desired tool was not a
"Microsoft original". A Canadian programmer, my today's guest
Keivan Beigi, had developed a package manager called "AppGet" a few
years earlier and made it available under an open source license.
When Microsoft employees contacted him one fine day, what belonged
together seemed to come together. But then the story took its own
course. We talk about the background of his technology, package
management in general and Microsofts fickle strategy towards its
own community.

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