SLW07: Microsoft 3.0 with Bartek Bielawski and Joey Aiello

SLW07: Microsoft 3.0 with Bartek Bielawski and Joey Aiello

Microsoft is massively pushing forward to an open-minded enterprise, embracing Open Source technologies, notably focussing on the Linux ecosystem. I talked to Bartek Bielawski, well known scripting guru and book author, and Joey Aiello, program manager on
1 Stunde 26 Minuten
Ein Interview Audiocast für IT PROs


vor 7 Jahren
Microsoft is massively pushing forward to an open-minded
enterprise, embracing Open Source technologies, notably focussing
on the Linux ecosystem. I talked to Bartek Bielawski, well known
scripting guru and book author, and Joey Aiello, program manager on
the PowerShell team and OSS enthusiast, about this amazing change
of mind.

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