S3E17 (EN) – Raus, innovation and nature escapism with Julian Trautwein

S3E17 (EN) – Raus, innovation and nature escapism with Julian Trautwein

Co-Founder & Managing Director @Raus
49 Minuten


vor 2 Jahren
Innovation never stops! Welcome to a brand new podcast episode
featuring Julian Trautwein, Co-founder and Managing Director at
Raus. Before Julian started his career in hospitality he was
spinning records, so it’s no surprise he met his first boss in a
bar. From there he went on to work for an agency, 6 years at Airbnb
and finally Tourlane, before creating the concept of Raus. Julian
shared some insights on the idea for Raus and why it is so
important to be open to disruption and vision driven against all
odds. We also learned how Johann, Christopher and Julian founded
and shaped the business, with the idea to create a space for people
to recharge their batteries and connect with nature. Of course we
didn’t let him go without a quick outlook on his vision for the
next years and how he sees Raus expanding. Enjoy the show!

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