S2E12 (DE) – Travelling & Changing Workplaces with Boris Radke (part 2/2)

S2E12 (DE) – Travelling & Changing Workplaces with Boris Radke (part 2/2)

Director Corporate Affairs and Workplace XP @ Omio
30 Minuten


vor 3 Jahren
In part 2 of Boris Radke’s visit to SMACK, we continue to learn
more Omio’s predicitons on how travelling will change due to the
pandemic. We also got a behind-the-scenes understanding of how he
believes communications work in the corporate world and why
internal communications is so much more important than external
communications at first – especially during a global pandemic.
Beyond that, Boris gave us a very honest opinion on the worst case
possible for the travel industry and more specifically companies
like Omio. Enjoy the show.

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