S2E12 (DE) – Travelling & Changing Workplaces with Boris Radke (part 1/2)

S2E12 (DE) – Travelling & Changing Workplaces with Boris Radke (part 1/2)

Director Corporate Affairs and Workplace XP @ Omio
26 Minuten


vor 3 Jahren
Boris Radke, Ex-Zalando, Ex-ProSieben Sat. 1 Media and currently
Director Corporate Affairs and Workplace Experience at
one-stop-shop travel booking platform Omio, came to visit us on the
show and told us all about his take on the travel industry and why
he thinks it is one of the “least customer friendly industries” out
there. In part 1 of their talk, Boris explained how cool
“home-office” really is from a workplace point of view and let us
in on his and Omio’s predictions on how travelling will change due
to the pandemic. Enjoy the show!

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