How success in life works

How success in life works

11 Minuten


vor 4 Jahren

How does success in life work? 

 We will look at the life of three successful people you
know and analyze what made them successful. What’s the single
most important trait that makes successful people? Is there a
secret behind successful indie writing careers?  

I asked successful indie writers in the industry for this one
secret. Not everybody answered. But the answers were surprisingly
unanimous.  And unglamorous.  They told me how their
success in life works. But it’s not a magic wand. It’s something
that challenged me at exactly the point where I needed it most.
 It will hit you right where you need it. So if you’re not
afraid of a challenge, watch this video.


“How can I tell the best stories and be heard?”   

I’m here to guide you in every step of the way: from your book
idea to building a big author platform.

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