Effective Communication – mit Dan Ram

Effective Communication – mit Dan Ram

Today's Podcast is a special edition: not only will it be held in english, but it will address a topic whose importance we experience every single day in the current times of online collaboration. It is about Communication. and Yannic are talking...
29 Minuten


vor 4 Jahren

Today's Podcast is a special edition: not only will it be held in
english, but it will address a topic whose importance we
experience every single day in the current times of online
collaboration. It is about Communication. Dan Ram and Yannic are
talking about what it really means to be communicating and what
we as innovators and entrepreneurs can take from Dan's work on
stage. They address the importance of communication in
executive roles, how to get out of your comfort zone and how to
come up with the energy for effective communication.

Die mantro Gewinnwarnung erscheint regelmäßig überall da, wo es
Podcasts gibt. Abonniert diesen Podcast jetzt in Apple Podcasts,
Castro, Overcast, Spotify oder dem Player eurer Wahl, um keine
künftige Folge zu verpassen.

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