How Leaders Succeed In Transformation

How Leaders Succeed In Transformation

Podcast herCAREER Voice
18 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr
It's not: what do you change? It's: who do you change with? Nearly
all industries face challenges requiring wide ranging
transformations. Especially, for leaders, advanced skills are
needed to champion the change. Latest studies state that 2/3 of
transformation projects fail due to management failures or employee
resistance. Based on her experience and learnings of the various
senior management roles Mara Papsdorf held in DAX/MDAX companies in
the last years, she derived important success factors for Change
Leaders. Through personal stories and practical examples, she shows
how leaders develop a strong vision, take their employees and
stakeholders on the transformation journey, and ensure to stay cool
even in stressful situations. Topics Transformations | Change
Leadership | Flat Hierarchy Details about the speaker Today’s
speaker Mara Papsdorf is a highly experienced leader who has been
driving business transformations since the beginning of her career.
She held various senior management positions in automotive lighting
and strategic roles regarding change from component to system
business and electromobility transformation. Currently, she is
heading as VP a global Center of Excellence in Procurement of a
leading Dax semiconductor company located in Munich. Since 2019,
she has sharpened the department towards a Service Function and
supports the transformation of the global procurement organization.
**About the Podcast herCAREER-Voice:** This podcast is the one to
listen to for diverse perspectives about the social, political and
scientifical aspects that define our workplaces and especially the
female career planning. Whether it’s professional growth and self
development, entrepreneurship, finances or the all-in-all
compatibility of our professional and private lifes; we want to
know more about female careers, learnings, experiences and
challenges and learn how they have grown from them. _herCAREER
Voice is a production by [hauseins]( for
herCAREER – the platform for female career planning. **Project
management:** Natascha Hoffner **Editing and production:** Miku
Sophie Kühmel **Speaker:** Katharina Alexander

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