Christina Bösenberg: How to cultivate, accelerate and scale inclusive leadership

Christina Bösenberg: How to cultivate, accelerate and scale inclusive leadership

Podcast herCAREER Voice
17 Minuten


vor 2 Jahren
How can we build momentum to inclusive leadership? Why are we not
getting there faster? How can leaders form inclusive leadership
styles? How can we build momentum to inclusive leadership? Why are
we not getting there faster? How can leaders form inclusive
leadership styles? Join Christina Bösenberg, Science & Industry
Board Member of leading digital coaching provider, CoachHub, and
discover how you can foster a culture of inclusivity, from
leadership and beyond, and how you can scale this throughout
organisations. Discover how you can create diverse and inclusive
workforces, with a people development strategy driven by science,
by downloading CoachHub's whitepaper. Topic Leadership &
Communication | Economy, Work & New Work Details about the
speaker Christina Bösenberg was working as an entrepreneur and for
several Fortune 100 companies, Christina brings 20 years of global
management experience in digital organisational development,
executive learning and IT. Christina is a CoachHub Scientific and
Advisory Board member and is also a keynote speaker and leader in
co-creationalism and learning ecosystems, specialising in creating
human-centric platforms and organisation designs that foster agile
transformations, risk-taking, experimentation and creative
collaboration at scale. Offering her perspective on the modern
virtual, this is a valuable opportunity to have your questions and
concerns answered from a renowned expert in the future of work.
About the Podcast herCAREER-Voice: This podcast is the one to
listen to for diverse perspectives about the social, political and
scientifical aspects that define our workplaces and especially the
female career planning. Whether it’s professional growth and self
development, entrepreneurship, finances or the all-in-all
compatibility of our professional and private lifes; we want to
know more about female careers, learnings, experiences and
challenges and learn how they have grown from them. The lecture was
recorded during the
[]( 2021 and is
available for download as a podcast below. _herCAREER Voice is a
production by [hauseins]( for herCAREER – the
platform for female career planning. Project management: Natascha
Hoffner Editing and production: Miku Sophie Kühmel Speaker: Susanne

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