Use of Placebos and Nonspecific and Complementary Treatments by German Physicians - Rationale and Development of a Questionnaire for a Nationwide Survey

Use of Placebos and Nonspecific and Complementary Treatments by German Physicians - Rationale and Development of a Questionnaire for a Nationwide Survey


vor 11 Jahren
Background: We are performing a nationwide survey in a random
sample ofGerman general practitioners (GPs), orthopedists, and
internists on theuse of placebos and nonspecific as well as
complementary treatments andtheir association with basic
professional attitudes. In this article weexplain the theoretical
considerations behind the study approach and thedevelopment of the
questionnaire. Methods: Based on a systematic reviewof published
surveys, own surveys on the topic, and on theoreticalconsiderations
we developed a preliminary version of a 4-pagequestionnaire that
was tested for feasibility in a convenience sample of80
participants of a general medical education event. We also
performedcognitive interviews with 8 physicians to investigate
whether thequestions were understood adequately. Results: The
questions on typicalplacebos and complementary treatments were well
understood and easy toanswer for participants. Discussions about
the phrasing of questions onnonspecific treatments during interview
reflected the vagueness of thisconcept; but this did not seem to
create major problems when answeringthe related questions. The
original questions regarding basicprofessional attitudes partly
were not understood in the mannerintended. The relevant questions
were modified but the interviewssuggest that these issues are
difficult to grasp in a quantitativesurvey. Conclusion: Our testing
procedures suggest that ourquestionnaire is well-suited to
investigate our questions with somelimitations regarding the issue
of basic professional attitudes.

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