22: The War in Ukraine and Energy - Im Gespräch mit Ruslana Lyzhichko

22: The War in Ukraine and Energy - Im Gespräch mit Ruslana Lyzhichko

Im Gespräch mit Ruslana Lyzhichko
18 Minuten
30 Minuten Klima und Energie. 30 Minuten Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft. In 30 Minuten Hintergründe zu Energiewende, zum Wechsel auf 100% Erneuerbare Energien und zur Klimakrise. 


vor 2 Jahren

Luca und Stefan sprechen spontan mit der bekannten ukrainischen
Sängerin, Botschafterin für Erneuerbare Energien und
Demokratie-Aktivistin Ruslana Lyzhichko. Sie berichtet von den
schrecklichen Geschehnissen in der Ukraine, was die
Energiepolitik damit zu tun hat - und was sie von Regierungen und
Weltgesellschaft jetzt erwartet: "We are strong enough."

Today, the world is facing an escalation of the crisis in Eastern
Europe in form of a military attack on Ukraine. The tensions
between Russia and Ukraine have, without doubt, a lot to do with
the fossil energy system. For many years, there have been
conflicts around the fossil energy supply of Europe, in
particular related to gas pipelines.

How far has the fossil energy system contributed to the
escalation of the crisis, by creating dependencies? What is the
current situation in Ukraine?

We will talk about this with Ruslana Lyzhichko who lives in
Ukraine and became famous as winner of the ESC, but later also as
Maidan activist and as Ambassador for Renewable Energy. How can
the world support the people in Ukraine in the short term? And
what should be the longer-term strategy? Will a renewable energy
world bring more peace and prosperity to the region?

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