#70: Dr. Dan Gartenberg: The Importance of (good) Sleep: Science and Recommendations

#70: Dr. Dan Gartenberg: The Importance of (good) Sleep: Science and Recommendations

39 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr

How important is our sleep? Listen to one of the leading sleep
scientists, the founder and CEO of SleepSpace.

Dr. Dan Gartenberg explains the importance of sleep and provides
insight into his research.

You are getting a lot of tips & tricks and suggestions to
improve your sleep.

How many hours of sleep are required? How can you find out how
many hours you need?

Are there people who need only a few hours?

What is the biggest problem when it comes to sleep?

We cover many topics around sleep in this episode.

SleepSpace - Free trial: https://sleepspace.com/union

Read about Dan: https://sleepspace.com/about-dr-dan-gartenberg/

Dan’s Ted Talk:

Dan on LinkedIn:

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