Dan Wilcox | Zirkonium: Hands-On Demonstration

Dan Wilcox | Zirkonium: Hands-On Demonstration

inSonic 2018: Algorithmic Spaces | Hands-On Demonstration
1 Stunde 2 Minuten


vor 5 Jahren

inSonic 2018: Algorithmic Spaces | Hands-On Demonstration


The spatial sound control software »Zirkonium« was developed by
the ZKM | Hertz-Lab. It is used, among other things, to control
the Sound Dome. It is a package of free Mac OSX software tools
for composing spatial music. The software allows composers to
create spatial movement of sounds using an intuitive graphical
interface. This movement can then be played back in real time via
2D or 3D loudspeaker systems.

Dan Wilcox is an artist and programmer at ZKM | Hertz-Lab. As
part of »inSonic 2018: Algorithmic Spaces«, he presented the
current version of the software solution and demonstrated its
diverse creative possibilities.

In December 2018, the third edition of the festival »inSonic«
took place at the ZKM. »inSonic« is a showcase for genre-spanning
artistic confrontations with new media technologies and
innovative concepts, which are explored in lectures, hands-on
demonstrations, concerts and live coding performances.

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