548: The Third Door mit Alex Banayan

548: The Third Door mit Alex Banayan

Willkommen zu Unternehmerwissen in 15 Minuten. Das ist Folge 548 mit dem internationalem Bestsellerautor Alexander Banayan Mein Name ist Rayk Hahne, Profisportler und Unternehmensberater. Jede Woche bekommst Du eine sofort anwendbare Trainingseinheit,...
15 Minuten


vor 3 Jahren

Willkommen zu Unternehmerwissen in 15
Das ist Folge 548 mit dem internationalem Bestsellerautor
Alexander Banayan
Mein Name ist Rayk Hahne, Profisportler und
Jede Woche bekommst Du eine sofort anwendbare
Trainingseinheit, damit Du als Unternehmer noch besser
Danke, dass Du Die Zeit mit mir verbringst. Lass uns mit
dem Training beginnen.

Wenn Dir die Folge gefällt teile Sie mit Deinen Freunden unter
dem Link raykhahne.de/548.
In der heutigen Folge geht es um, The Third Door

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Rayk: Welcome, Alex
Banaian.Are you ready for
today’s training session.

Alexander: I’m ready man. Let’s do this.

Rayk: So let’s step right into it. So
first of all, please give me three things about you in terms of
your profession, your past and something private.


1. I’m the author of the book “The Third Door”.
2. I spent ten years studying the world’s most successful
3. When I was a little kid I was so terrified by almost


Your special expertise is interviewing the best of the best. Can
you give me a little glimpse of your new book? What’s the name
and what could we expect from it?


So the book is called “The Third Door” and it’s about my seven
year journey tracking down some of the world’s most successful
entrepreneurs and figuring out how they launched their careers
and achieved their success. I spoke to Bill Gates, I also spoke
with the co-founder of Apple, Steve Wozniak. You know, the whole
spectrum of entrepreneurs. And one of the things that I learned:
every single one of these people treated life and business and
success the exact same way. There’re always three ways in. So
there’s the first door, the main entrance where the line curves
around the block, where ninety-nine percent of people wait around
hoping to get in. The second door is the VIP entrance, where the
billionaires and celebrities go through. And society has this way
of making us feel like those are the only two ways in you either
wait your turn or you’re born into it. But what I’ve learned is
that there’s always, always the third door. Bang on the door a
hundred times, crack open the window, go to the kitchen, there’s
always a way in. That doesn’t matter if that’s how Bill Gates on
his first piece of software or how Steven Spielberg became the
youngest director in Hollywood history, they all took the third
door. And that is the heart of this book.

So please let me know, what was your world championship?
What was your biggest challenge and how did you overcome


You know, there was a lot of struggle on this journey. You know,
I started this journey when I was 18 years old. In the very
beginning I didn’t have any money to fund this journey. So what I
ended up having to do, I had no money, but I had this dream. So I
decided to do something very logical. I decided to go on a game
show in America to win some money. The biggest game show in
American history is called “The Price is Right”. And I never seen
a full episode of the show before, but I ended up pulling an
all-nighter to study how the show worked. And I hacked the game
show. I ended up winning the whole grand prize. I want a sailboat
on the show. I sold the sailboat and I used that money to fund my
adventure to go learn from the world’s most successful


How did you take your own advice from all these great mentors?
What was your biggest learning on your journey from the last 10
years? And especially from the last seven years. What was your
biggest learning?


So I had to find my own third doors. And what I’ve learned is
that there’s a single reason most people don’t achieve their
dreams. The main reason and when you think of the third door
analogy, the biggest reason is most people are too afraid to
leave the line for the first door. That’s where a lot of people
have their jobs and make money. And, you know, the sidewalk is
nice and clean and there’re streetlights. You know, everything’s
more comfortable there, but it is impossible to go out and find
your third door if you’re still standing in line for the first


Amazing. And maybe you could give us an idea how you did


You know, the biggest, biggest way that I was able to get the
interviews for the book. So every situation was different. The
biggest thing I’ve learned for myself is that sometimes the
craziest ideas are actually the most reasonable. Because what
ends up happening is, if you think about it, everyone, again
going back to the third door analogy, everyone’s competing for
the same reasonable approach. And if everyone’s trying to do the
same reasonable approach, then it’s overcrowded. And the same is
true. If you’re marketing your product right or if you’re
launching a new startup, if you’re doing it the way everyone else
is doing it, you just seem like everybody else. And sometimes the
crazier, more wild, creative third door ideas are the most
obvious and the ones that work the best. So the key here is that
the bigger the swing, the more you try. Yes, you’re going to
succeed and yes, you’re going to fail. But that’s the point,
because the opposite of success is not failure. The opposite of
success is not trying.


So where could we find this book? What was the one thing
in mind that we should focus on while reading it?


The third door is an adventure story where you’re learning along
the way. So if people are in the mood for a fun book to also
teach them about success and entrepreneurship, that’s this kind
of book. Number two is, I believe in mentorship. Having someone
who has achieved and succeeded helping guide your journey in the
third door is in a way your way to get mentored by Bill Gates, by
Steve Wozniak, by Larry King, by Steven Spielberg, and hear their
stories and hear their advice for you to achieve your goals.


Perfect. OK, and we can find it, I guess, also on your homepage.
Maybe you can give us a link where to find this book.

So it’s in bookstores in Germany. It’s obviously on online books
retailers, it’s available as ebook. So it’s out everywhere in

Thank you very much for your time and we’ll say goodbye.
So thank you very much.

Thank you. Cheers.

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