What if God was a Meme | with Heidi Campbell (in English)
33 Minuten
Der Wachmacher zu Kirche und digitalem Wandel
vor 11 Monaten
When does religious online communication become
Our communication on the Internet follows specific digital rules.
Memes are a good example for that. Whether it's Buddy Christ, the
God Meme or Bible Spoilers - memes communicate religious ideas in
a publicly accessible and often humorous way. With Heidi
Campbell, Professor of Communication Studies at Texas A&M
University, we discuss how digital communication is changing
religious practice and what role humor could play along the way.
Campbell is convinced that religious communities should be bolder
and try out new forms of digital faith communication on a regular
More information about Heidi Campbell and her research:
Her Network for New Media, Religion and Digital Culture Studies:
News from our Podcast „Digitaler Espresso“:
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