The Importance of Zoologists in Marketing: With Jochen Tham

The Importance of Zoologists in Marketing: With Jochen Tham

33 Minuten


vor 8 Monaten

In this podcast episode, Wolfgang Straßburger, the founder and
CEO of Onemedia Consulting and Molequle, discusses with Jochen
Tham, Head of Digital Customer Experience at Carl Zeiss Medical
Technology how technology is changing the medtech sector and the
importance of zoologists in marketing. Jochen shares his journey
from being a zoologist to working in sales and marketing in the
medtech industry. Furthermore he emphasizes the need for
marketers to have a background in sales to understand customer
needs and provide excellent customer experiences. He also
highlights the role of technology, such as marketing automation
and AI, in transforming the customer journey and improving
customer experiences. However, he cautions that the
implementation of AI in marketing is still in its early stages
and requires a solid foundation in data and technology.

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