Elettra Wiedemann - How did the model become a farmer?

Elettra Wiedemann - How did the model become a farmer?

1 Stunde 23 Minuten
Der Interview-Podcast mit Menschen, für die das kleine Glück nicht groß genug ist.


vor 2 Jahren
Elettra Wiedemann was a high-class fashion-model for over a decade.
She worked with some of the most renowned photographers and
travelled the world for countless shootings and shows. Her eye for
style and design, her interest in healthy and delicious food and
her wish, to get those meals down on the plate in a decent amount
of time, led her to her successful food-blog “Impatient foodie”,
for which she also wrote two cook-books. Elettra studied
Biomedicine, Biosciences and Society at the London School of
Economics and wrote her dissertation about Vertical Farming, a
future solution for feeding urban citizens. She also launched a
pop-up restaurant and hosted her own cooking-show with prominent
guests. Her interest in food-production and sustainability lead her
to her current transformation as Executive Director of Mama Farm, a
Long-Island based community supported agriculture (CSA), founded by
Elettra’s mother Isabella Rosselini. Here, she brings her talents
and experience together, supports her community with organic food,
develops meaningful new projects and is creating a beautiful live
together with her husband and two sons. When I first met Elettra, I
was fascinated by her quick and bright mind, the Coolness of a
Manhattan-born and raised gal, her positive approach towards life
and her great heart that was shining through everything she did or
said. Much later, I learned, that Elettra was not only the daughter
of famous actress Isabella Rosselini, but also the granddaughter of
Ingrid Bergmann and Roberto Rossellini. And I couldn’t help but
wonder, how with this heritage, she became such a down-to-earth
person who would rather talk about possible solutions for the
climate crisis then about fashion, fame and her family. I wanted to
know, how Elettra went from her demanding and exciting time in
front of the camera to this nature-based way of living. We talk
about her childhood in Manhattan and how her strong family roots
supported her, when she was diagnosed with scoliosis as a young
girl and had to wear a back brace for all her teenage years.
Elettra also explains, why she claimed to be more than just a
daughter or granddaughter. We cover many subjects, from future
solutions to the climate crisis, the #MeToo movement, the TV show
Sex and the City and the spiritual practices Elettra found to keep
her heart and mind centered.

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