Why there are no wrong decisions - Realtalk with Manu

Why there are no wrong decisions - Realtalk with Manu

34 Minuten


vor 3 Monaten

Welcome to another solo episode of the Traumweberinnen Podcast!
My name is Manuela Maier and I am your host. This episode is all
about intuition and what happens when we unapologetically follow
our inner voice.

I'm talking about an inner shift of perspective that I had when I
watched a young pianist the other night at a concert who was
playing her instrument like nothing I had ever seen before. She
didn't play it for the sake of being a world-renowned pianist:
she was so much IN SYNC and aligned with the music that she as a
person seemingly didn't exist anymore. That was an eye-opening
experience for me.

In this episode I'm also talking about some bad advice I received
in terms of making life decisions and how I for myself tell good
advice from bad advice based on my intuition.

What I want to leave you with at the end of this episode is that
there are no wrong decisions. You cannot make wrong decisions, so
let go of the fear! From all the 1000 possibilities of every
decision you make, your Higher Being or Inner Being chose exactly
this timeline/reality for you to experience and live in which in
my eyes means that you cannot make mistakes. Isn't that

Find your purpose and heal yourself,

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