Universe Energies of magical 2020 by Lori Haberkorn
29 Minuten
vor 5 Jahren
Sparkling Stars, I felt the wish to talk to you. So I recorded my
thoughts and maybe they inspire or support you in your current
situation or at any further visions. This podcast wasn't planned
and I worked through all the Universe Energies that are now around
and will be around in 2020 totally intuitively, but I guess this is
something that I want to do more often in the following year. To
share my thoughts on astrological events and how they affect us.
How we can use these energies to understand situations, challenges
and opportunities that are around and therefor supports us more
into stepping into our magical power. Enjoy it and let me know what
you think about it! I send love to you! xx, Lori
thoughts and maybe they inspire or support you in your current
situation or at any further visions. This podcast wasn't planned
and I worked through all the Universe Energies that are now around
and will be around in 2020 totally intuitively, but I guess this is
something that I want to do more often in the following year. To
share my thoughts on astrological events and how they affect us.
How we can use these energies to understand situations, challenges
and opportunities that are around and therefor supports us more
into stepping into our magical power. Enjoy it and let me know what
you think about it! I send love to you! xx, Lori
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