#35: Personalization & Customer Loyalty

#35: Personalization & Customer Loyalty

Loyalty Talk with Rasmus Houlind, Author & Chief Experience Officer of Agillic
49 Minuten


vor 3 Wochen
In episode #35 of the Loyalty Talk Podcast, I talk to Rasmus
Houlind, Author and Chief Experience Officer of Agillic, a
Marketing Automation Software Company. This episode is also a
premiere, as it is the first in which we speak in English. In the
Loyalty Talk, Rasmus gives a definition of personalization and
explains the concept of the Bowtie of Personalization, which is the
framework of his book "Hello $Firstname". We also talk about how
personalization and customer loyalty work together, what the
biggest challenges are for companies and how they can master it,
and what changes in personalization with Generative AI. Ramus also
shares his favourite examples and gives advice on how companies can
get started with personalization. Links to further information:
Agillic: www.agillic.com Omnichannel Institute:
www.omnichannelinstitute.com/?lang=en Book "Hello $Firstname" on
Amazon: www.amazon.com/dp/8797442801 Hello $Firstname Podcast:
https://hellofirstname.podbean.com Ramus Houlind on LinkedIn:
www.linkedin.com/in/houlind Michael Bietenhader on LinkedIn:
www.linkedin.com/in/michaelbietenhader All episodes of the Loyalty
Talk: www.loyaltytalk.ch More about MilesAhead AG:

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